Thursday, October 12, 2006

6 weeks old!

Marley is 6 weeks old! WOW!
She has changed so much in that short time! She recognizes mommy, daddy and MaKieley! She knows mommy is her food source, daddy is her sleeping buddy and sister is all about fun (and sometimes is irritating)!
Her 0-3 months clothes are coming closer to fitting but they still swallow her so she just sticks to her preemie clothes.

Marley loves water in any form! She loves showers, floating in the bathtub and just hearing it run! Our good friend Jennifer found her a sound machine that has the sound of rain on it and Marley just loves it! Thanks Jen!

Marley takes naps in her cradle as well as sleeps there some nights! She loves the bendy (the thing that curves around her and makes her feel like she is being held) that we got when MaKieley was a baby! It makes her feel like she is not so alone. I almost hate to say this because it will jinx us or something......but Marley has been sleeping at lease 7 hours a night the past several nights! Does this mean we are finally settling in? Probably not! It probably just means she is in a growing spurt right now! But we can hope!

When Marley has air bubbles in her tummy that just will not come out she loves to use the blue device you see in this picture. It is "The Original Bed Buddy Sinus Pack". My mom had loaned it to us or given it to us (I'm not sure which) a couple of years ago and it sits in the freezer for when I have a migraine! (So much for my migraines now!) In a moment of brilliance (or maybe it was desperation) I remembered it being in the freezer and wondered if it could be heated as well as frozen. Well sure enough it could be heated! I think it is filled with rice - you can freeze it or heat it to use on your sinuses when you are not feeling well. No Marley's sinuses are not in her abdomen! She just likes the warm feeling on her belly and it helps her to be more comfortable.

Marley now likes to watch Baby Bach and Baby Mozart! Most times she watches for about 10 minutes and then clothes her eyes and listens as she falls asleep. Finally something that allows me to go to the bathroom by myself at least once during the day!
We are all finally starting to settle in I think! MaKieley sleeps through any crying at night and loves helping with her baby sister! She also loves to hold her - it does not matter if she is crying, happy, squirmy or still! ANYTHING to be close to that baby sister!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marley is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet her in person!
:)Tiffany and the girls