Friday, August 25, 2006

MaKieley's Exciting Week!

MaKieley Started Her Week by bringing home her first 100! She was so excited! Later in the week on Thursday I went to pick her up and she grinned at me! Her tooth was missing! She informed me that it had fallen out at lunch and landed somewhere on the floor! She could not find it anywhere! Being in the hormonal state that I am right now I started to tear up! THIS TOOTH, THAT WAS LOST ON THE CAFETERIA FLOOR, WAS MY BABY'S FIRST TOOTH TO COME OUT!! AND NOW WE WOULD NEVER HAVE IT FOR A KEEPSAKE!! So her momma told her the one next to it, which was just as loose as the other one, had to come out before she went back to school the next day. Was that momma mean? I don't think so! So after several hours of crying and discussing it and trying to get it done she decided she wanted to try dental floss! On the second try it popped right out! Neither one of us really knew that it had come out but I thought it had felt different that time. So I said show me. She did and it was gone! Oh no! Had we lost the second one too? I was looking around and then all the sudden I remembered there was blood in her mouth! I stuffed in the paper towel we had waiting and went back to looking for that tiny baby tooth! Then ------ there it was! Sitting right on the front of her shirt! So we put it in a baggy so it could not get lost!
When John got home and MaKieley showed him that she had lost 2 teeth he fell over in the floor! MaKieley thought that was GREAT! She put her tooth under her pillow and this morning when she got up the Tooth Fairy had brought her $4 ($2 for each tooth she lost!) She was so very excited and ready to go to school and show everyone!
What a week! We hope to have a calm weekend before we have another WILD week next week!

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